Do Pigeons Make Nests? If yes, How Do Pigeons Nest?
If you’re wondering, ‘Do pigeons make nests? If yes, how do pigeon nests? This article is for you. Pigeons are very common birds that can be found in urban areas around the world, popular for their fascinating nesting behavior. Here, you will explore whether pigeons make nests and the intricacies of their nesting habits. But before I tell you about pigeon nesting behavior, it’s better if you first pay attention to learning ‘Do pigeons make nests?’.
Do Pigeons Make Nests?

Yes, pigeons make nests as a haven for incubating eggs and rearing offspring. Despite their urban adaptations, pigeons make nests that provide them protection and comfort during the nesting season. Pigeons are known to nest on free canopies & crevices that are tenses, shrubs, cliffs, human-made structures, and many more. Shows are known for exhibiting interesting nesting behavior.
If you want to know more and learn about ‘where pigeons nest,’ consider reading this article. You should also know that pigeons are monogamous birds that form lifelong partnerships. Therefore, when it comes to nesting, you will find pigeons strongly inclined to select locations that are secure & suitable for rearing their young.
Nesting Sites Conditions For Nests
Urban areas with abundant artificial structures are often the best places & ideal nesting sites for pigeons. However, pigeon presence in buildings may pose health risks and structural damage. If you want to know more about this, consider reading my article on ‘Why Are Pigeon Nests So Bad.’ Since pigeon nests and their dropping may contribute to structural damage, you should also consider reading my article on ‘How To Stop Pigeons Nesting‘ or How to Get Rid of Pigeon Nests.’
Still, before you try to damage or remove the pigeon nest, I will advise you also to know What Happens If You Destroy a Pigeon Nest.’ Now, returning to the point, Pigeons are known to engage in courtship display and visualized behavior to establish pair bonds and secure their nesting territories during the nesting season.
Pigeons are famous for their elaborate cooing and bobbing movements, which are also endearing. The nest-building process of pigeons tends to involve a meticulous approach. Pigeons collect twigs, small branches, leaves, and other nesting materials to construct their nest during the nesting season. The male will be the primary builder, whereas the female will contribute by arranging the materials provided.
Also, pigeons are considered very resourceful creatures capable of adapting to their environment. They can create nests in various locations, including building ledges, tree branches, and even inside the ventilation system. Hence, the ability of pigeons to adapt their nest-building techniques to different surroundings is a clear testament to their resilience & adaptability.
How Do Pigeons Nest?

Nest Site Selection
First, pigeons tend to have specific criteria when selecting an appropriate nesting site to lay eggs. In general, pigeons like birds usually prefer elevated locations that can provide them ultimate safety from ground predators and avian predators, as well as environmental elements like rainfall, strong wheels, high temperature, etc.
The Pigeon population is increasing in urban environments as it offers an abundance of suitable nesting options made by humans, like balconies, buildings, ledges, rooftops, and bridges. Also, you should know that the availability of food sources & the proximity to water sources are additional factors that may influence our little avian friend nest site selection. Often enough, I have observed pigeons preparing locations near reliable food sources like parks, plazas, & restaurants, making urban areas a haven for their nesting habits.
Nest Construction
After finding a suitable nesting spot, they will soon start constructing their nest. When it comes to building nests, pigeons also exhibit resourcefulness and adaptability. They are known to use a combination of branches, leaves & other materials available to build their nest.
Females are the ones who will suitably arrange the nest, as the nest-building process involves careful placement of materials, creating a shallow depression in the center of the nest to cradle the eggs.
To compensate for the damage caused by environmental factors, the male pigeon will continue to collect nesting materials and present them to the female. You will also find pigeons reinforcing the structure by weaving and interlocking the twigs & branches together to ensure reliable stability & durability. What is more fascinating is that pigeons often reuse their nest for substitute breeding cycles, reinforcing and refurbishing them with fresh materials. This behavior showcases their nesting efficiency and ability to optimize their resources well.
Nesting Habits & Characteristics
Pigeons will continue to follow specific nesting cycles, including courtship, mating, egg laying, incubation, and raising their offspring. You must already know that the incubation period of a pigeon tends to last around 7 to 19 days, during which the male & female will take turns incubating the eggs. Once the eggs are successfully hatched, both parents will share the responsibility of feeding & caring for the nestlings.
If you are wondering what the parents will feel about their nestling, pigeons are also known to produce pigeon milk that nourishes their young ones. The parent pigeon regurgitates this specialized milk, providing essential nutrients for the growing chicks. You must know that a pigeon nest can be a home to multiple broods throughout the year, and now, if you’re wondering, ‘Do pigeon nests all year around?’, consider reading this article.
Returning to the point, after the young pigeons or squabs pledge and become independent, they will continue to use the nest as a roosting site until they establish their territories.
If you are wondering ‘what time of year baby pigeons leave their nest,’ consider reading my recent article When Do Pigeons Leave The Nest.’
Pigeons are undoubtedly known for their remarkable ability to construct nests in various urban settings. Also, you should know that the pigeon’s nesting behavior showcases their resourcefulness and the ability to thrive in urban environments. Hence, I have given my best to give you proper knowledge on the question: do pigeons make nests, and if yes, how do pigeons nest? If you have any other questions regarding this topic, comment below.
I hope you found this article helpful and fun to read; if yes, consider sharing it. Your share is going to help many people learn the significance of pigeon nests as well as the vital role they play in supporting the pigeon population. Next time, if you come across a pigeon nest, take a moment and appreciate the architectural marvel created by these ordinary Birds.
Undoubtedly, pigeon nests are a true testament to the beauty of nature’s creations, even amid concrete & steel. Check my other helpful guide on pigeon nesting behavior to learn more about their intriguing habits. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.